Used Hospital Beds

When purchasing hospital beds the cost is often a major concern. There are many places however where you can purchase used hospital beds. These are generally in excellent working condition, depending on where you get them and can provide you with the recovery bed that you need for yourself or a loved one at a much lower cost than purchasing new. Most manual hospital beds can be purchased for around $500 new while electric models typically cost up to $2,000 or more when purchased new. Purchasing used beds however allows you to get the hospital bed that you need without worrying over the cost. If you are planning to purchase a used hospital bed there are a number of things that you should keep in mind to ensure that you receive a good working and quality product.

Where to Find Used Hospital Beds

There are a number of different places where you can look for used hospital beds for sale. You can search online or head to your local hospital or doctor’s office to see if they have any used beds available. Be sure that you check your local newspaper and contact all of the home health agencies in your local area. If you are searching online then you may want to consider looking in your local area only. If you purchase used beds from a far distance away then you may incur heavy shipping charges. Of course, you may also find many websites that offer used hospital beds for a low enough cost that it will offset the shipping fees. Take your time when searching for used beds online and compare rates from a few different sites to ensure that you get the lowest cost for the bed including shipping charges.

What to Look for When Buying Used

If you are planning on purchasing a used hospital bed you should ensure that it works properly. For electric beds, you should check the motor to be certain that it works. If the motors on the bed do not work then the bed itself will be virtually useless to you. Beds that have nonworking motors cannot be adjusted which defeats the purpose of purchasing a hospital bed to begin with. You should check the mattress on the bed as well to ensure that it is firm enough and not completely worn. You can purchase a new mattress if needed but the price should be very reasonable if you have to incur the added expense of a mattress. The same is true of the side rails. If the bed does not have side rails or they are not working properly, you can purchase new rails but again you should be certain that the price of the used bed reflects this added expense. Make sure that you are getting the used bed for a good price. You certainly do not want to pay the price of a new hospital bed for a used one. Take your time and look around at a few different places to get an idea of what used hospital beds should cost as opposed to new ones.